Memory Box Programme

Special Boxes for Special People

The Mountains & Rivers Memory box program started in 2000 after some members were visiting a local hospital and saw that a grieving family was given a loved one’s belongings in a brown hospital bag. This seemed an informal way of presenting one’s belongings to cherish. So the idea became reality as members bought basic boxes, painted them and donated them to the local hospitals.
These painted boxes are lovingly hand painted by members.
Boxes are presented to parents of a child who has died at birth or shortly thereafter so that parents can keep the treasured memories of their child in the box, usually a certificate, lock of hair, footprint of their child wristband, or anything that they care to keep. This provides the parents with tangible proof of that child’s existence and helps in the grieving process.

We have received many letters and sometimes a visit from parents who sadly have needed this program, all touched by the generosity of the program at a time when they needed it most.


We also paint and donate smaller boxes for some hospitals for the cancer and palliative care wards.

Hospitals we support;
We support Maternity Wards at  Nepean, Katoomba, Dubbo, Mudgee and Norwest Hospitals.

We also paint smaller boxes to donate to the Intensive Care Ward, Palitave Care Wards, and Emergency.They can hold the jewellery or a watch of the loved ones who have passed away.

  Smaller boxes are donated to Nepean, Dubbo, Mudgee, Camdon and Gulong Hospitals.

If you would like to participate in this worthwhile cause by either helping us paint some boxes or donating boxes to us for decoration, then please contact us at mountains2rivers