Membership 2020

Mountains & Rivers Folk & Decorative Painters Inc. (please make out cheque to the full name, thanks).

Membership Application
We receive a newsletter 4 times a year.

(Please note that from 30th June 2015 
fees will be $35 and Overseas $45). 

Annual membership is $35 - renewable before 30th June each year.
Overseas annual membership $A45

(fees paid from 1st April are not due for renewal till 30th June the following year)
Fees are payable by Cheque/PO/Cash at the meetings.

Please send an email and we will  send you a form you can download, or send a stamped addressed envelope to the address below and we will post one out to you. Or attend one of our meetings as a guest, and join on the day!

 The Membership Officer; Mountains and Rivers Folk and Decorative Painters Inc, PO Box 289, Round Corner, NSW 2158

Membership badge cost is $20 if you would like one.