2020 Meetings.

All meetings will be held at the CWA rooms, Tindale Street, Penrith. (opposite the RSL club). Doors open  at 12 noon with a short meeting and Lunch, followed by a workshop.

Meeting and Lunch, (please bring a plate) Workshops; $15 for Members, or $20 Non-members.  (Membership is $35 a year, Due 1st July). New members are Welcome.

For Membership or information contact mountainsandrivers
Visitors Most Welcome!

Please bring along to all workshops your painting requirements including paints. A list will be posted in the details before all workshops. Thank you.


Meetings for 2020

Our first meeting of the year was on the 8th February.

Guest Artist was Linda Hine


Next Meeting for 2020 will be on

9th May

Guest Artist will be Chris Gordon Smith


2020 Convention is at Sylvan Glen;

"A Night at the Ballet"

19th - 21st May 2020


Our AGM will be on the 11th July 2020
Guest Artist will be announced soon


Our August meeting will be on the 8th August 2020 

Guest Artist - Roberta Small

Roberta will be teaching a mixed media piece.


17th and 18 October will be our No Frills paintings

These two painting days will be held at the CWA rooms, our usual meeting rooms. See the top of the page for the address.

You may attend one day or two. You can being a friend who is not a member. If you travel and need somewhere to stay, please find your own accommodation. 


14th November is our Christmas Meeting
The last meeting of 2020. 


2019 Details for the year.

2019 Convention

Convention at Sylvan Glen, Penrose in the Southern Highlands.

This years theme will be - Roaring Twenties.

Once again the venue is just right, the meals scrumptious, and the friendship and painting is the best, Thankyou to Laraine, Amanda  and committee for all the hard work and our lovely members for making everyone welcome!

For all our members that are spread over the country, you are most welcome to attend our Convention. Membership of Mountains and Rivers is required, although we would love to see you at our meetings, we understand that this is not always possible, you do not have to attend our meetings, it is always lovely to catch up at convention. Every member receives a Newsletter a couple of weeks after the meetings. ( 4 times a year) There is no newsletter after the AGM.

For the rest of the year, the dates below are correct, details of visiting teacher's will be added when known, thanks, Lyn.

 The Next Meeting of  2019 will be on;

Saturday 13th July
Also our AGM

Janette Newman will be our guest teacher. We will be painting Chinese Brush Painting - on rice paper

Bookings please! 

Please email  Mountains & Rivers  so that we can book you in. Some prep will be needed beforehand.

It is important that we know the numbers as soon as possible
before our workshop.


Saturday 10th August 2019
Guest Artist Roberta Small

Stencil leaves and Hydrangeas 


Painting weekend at CWA rooms Penrith. (No Frills) 

Saturday 19th October 


Sunday 20th October
(Start 9am)

This year we will be having a two day painting weekend at our usual CWA meeting room, we have four talented teachers each day.

Cost; $50 for members and $60 for guests. This includes Morning and Afternoon teas, and Lunch. 

Please bring your own paints and project piece you wish to paint on. (wood piece, canvas, anything you choose).
More details in the booklet for this event.

You may attend one day or two. You can being a friend who is not a member. If you travel and need somewhere to stay, please find your own accommodation. 

You choose your own - these subjects can be painted on your own canvas or piece  you have around at home.
You will paint one project each day.
 Or just for a day,  the choice is yours.

Laraine Palmer
Roberta Small
Linda Hynes
Ellen Valentine

Traditional piece by Laraine Palmer - Saturday

Roberta Small's Roses - Saturday

Linda Hind Harvest - Sunday

Ellen Valentine Sydney - Sunday

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Merry Christmas to all our Members and Readers!
Last meeting/workshop of the year.
Saturday  November 9th 2019

Guest teacher will be Laraine Palmer

Join Laraine to paint this Awesome Christmas kettle, I can see that we will all be searching our cupboards or junk shops to find an old kettle! This of course can be painted on anything you have. 

Christmas Nostalgia

Saturday, the 9th of November will be our last meeting of the year and also our Christmas meeting, come along bring a plate, If you would like to join us for our last workshop of 2019 you are most welcome.