Jul 8, 2019

meeting 10 August 2019

Meeting /Workshop 10th August 2019

Our guest Artist was Roberta Small 

Our Meeting and Workshop was enjoyed by all the ladies, Roberta's design was painted on a variety of projects from Canvas to books and wood shapes, they all looked great! 

Thank you Roberta for sharing your project with us all. 

Meeting 13 July 2019

On the 13th July it is our AGM

Our guest artist will be Janette Newman
leading us through some Chinese Brush Painting

Janette will provide the rice paper for this project, Janette also has some brushes for sale on the day. we will be painting a tree first to get used to the brush, then the main painting.

Bookings please Ladies! 

If you have watercolour paint it would be good but acrylic paints are fine to use we just use a lot of water.

The colours used are as follows;
yellow oxide
Australian sap green
raw umber
van Dyke brown
Australian sky blue
venetian red.

A towel to put under the paper
water jar