Feb 11, 2018

May 12th meeting 2018

Our next meeting will be on the 12th May 2018

Our Guest teacher will be Chris Gordon-Smith

At the CWA rooms, Tindale Street, Penrith.
12 noon/ meeting and workshop.

All meetings are free. If you wish to attend the workshop the following prices will apply; Members $15 - Guests $20.

Tag along to our next meeting and workshop and enjoy an afternoon of meeting new and old friends as we paint along with Chris this afternoon.

Chris has three adorable emu painted on water colour paper

Please be sure to book in well before the date so that Chris can bring the correct amount of watercolour paper to the workshop. Bookings

Chris will supply the watercolour paper, instructions, pattern and the Matisse inks on the day, this will only be for the ladies that have booked in beforehand. So book in early!

However if you have your own inks you may bring them along to make it easier for you and save the long queue.

Please bring along;

You may like to bring your own Matisse inks; Magenta, Yellow Deep, Blue and Black.

You Will need to supply;

Masking tape, backing board A3 size, pencil, rubber, ruler, Black craft transfer paper, (saral or carbon), pen and nib or black waterproof pen.
POSCA PEN-white. (you can buy them from Officeworks for $4 each). Watercolour well pallet.
Brushes; Large round soft brush or 1/2 " Dagger, liner brush and a No 3 round brush.

Please supply your own brushes and painting requirements you may require. Chris will supply the paper needed for this class. 

Preparation Instructions;

If you have a copy of the pattern it is in the newsletter, Copy the pattern onto tracing paper before class. If not bring along an A3 tracing paper. (or 2 x A4)

Feb 7, 2018

Welcome 2018!

Welcome to our first 2018 Meeting

Our next meeting will be on Saturday 10th February.

At the CWA rooms, Tindale Street, Penrith.
12 noon/ meeting and workshop.

Roberta Small will be guiding us through this workshop with a lovely Mothers day Chrysanthemum's.

 This lovely piece has four chrysanthemums painted onto a round plate or a canvas. You of course may change the pattern to fit any piece you have handy.

Homework ready for class;

Gesso the surface, dry and lightly sand.

Using Pine green, Moss green and Sap green basecoat the piece by cross hatching a mix of the colours, making the top third lighter.

Trace on the leaves only.

You will need to supply your paints and painting surface, brushes, your usual painting requirements.

The colours are;

Hookers green, Moss green, Sap green, Pine green, Yellow green, Warm white, Titanium white and Gesso.

Please book in as soon as possible you may email at; mountainsandrivers

Thank you Roberta we had a lovely workshop.