Oct 23, 2017

Next Mountains and Rivers meeting/workshop 11th November 2017

Our last meeting of the month will be held on the 
11th November at 12 noon.

This will be our Christmas meeting and Lunch.
(please bring a plate).

MERRY CHRISTMAS to all our Members and Readers!

We have a short meeting followed by a workshop.
Our guest teacher will be Lyn Yeadon.

Lyn will be sharing with us her Christmas Art Journal.

The technique's used in this journal may be used in a variety of ways, including cards. You will able you to use your own imagination and play with colour in a variety of ways once you see this technique.

A selection of the pages in the Art Journal.

Of Course any of these pages or your own designs,
can be turned into cards, just paint the added details smaller.
These are samples of 5" x 7" cards.

Aug 23, 2017

No Frills pieces- October 2017

Hi excited to bring you these lovely painted pieces from some excellent teachers within our members at Mountains and rivers.

These photo's are in no order, you will just have to wait for the weekend booklet published.

With previous No Frills weekend you do not have to be a member to attend, and members may bring a guest along. You may stay the weekend or just for the day. Prices will apply, as yet have not been published. More details later.

We have six teachers, three each day. see the photo's;

Aug 9, 2017

August meeting 2017.

Our next meeting will be on Saturday 12th August.

At the CWA rooms, Tindale Street, Penrith.
12 noon/ meeting and workshop.

Our Guest speaker will be Laraine Palmer.

Sharing with us and Painting "Lady from Moulin Rouge"

Laraine painted this piece on a large handbag, you may paint it on anything you like. Some pre-prep work will be needed.

Jun 8, 2017

Mountains and Rivers Annual General Meeting

Our AGM will be on Saturday the 8th July 2017 at 12 noon.

Our Guest Artist will be Kate Belton, Kate will be teaching us how to paint a lovely Peacock.

Cost; $15 for the workshop, ($5 to Kate if you use her inks)

This peacock is painted using Matisse Derivan Inks, if you have these please bring them along as we supply our own paint now. If you do not have these inks, you may use Kate's, but perhaps pay her $5 per person for using them.

Kate has given us two sizes; 50cm x 76cm (20 x 30") or 30cm x 60cm (12 x 24") or any size you want in between these sizes. Kate will supply a pattern on the day.

You will also need to bring; Any Matisse inks you have, black transfer paper, a water colour pallet or one that has small recesses to hold ink, a pencil, a pen with a nib(like the old school pens), a water spray bottle, some rags and paper towel, all your usual painting requirements and brushes.
The M and R shop will be open on the day.

Coat your board or canvas with a generous coat of white Gesso in a random fashion using a pallet knife. The surface should be uneven so the ink can run and make streaks of colour in the background. Make sure this is dry well before class.  

Apr 21, 2017

May 13th Meeting

Our next Meeting will be on Saturday the 13th May, 12 noon at CWA rooms, Tindale Street, Penrith.

Janette Newman will be our guest teacher for the afternoon Janette will be teaching her piece 'Iris'.

The size of the piece Janette used was 12" x 16".

You will need to bring with you your usual painting requirements. Plus Matisse paints; Raw umber, Titanium white, Cadmin yellow light, Diox purple, Australian yellow green, Magenta, Australian sap green, Australian sky blue. If you do not have Matisse paints bring the equivalent in Jo Sonja colours.


  • Prepare your surface with 2 coats of white gesso.
  • Create soft coloured background by;
  • wet your surface with water using a I" brush
  • Dip in the corner of the brush with a small amount of Magenta, let it run into the water
  • then do the same using Sap green and Diox purple, keep these colours very light and let them run around in the water.
  • Spread rock salt on the wet area and let it dry overnight. The rock salt will soak up some of the water and leave a nice pattern on the background.
  • Now transfer the pattern with the grey or blue saral or graphite paper.
  • Bring your piece to class.

Convention pieces will be ready to pick up at this meeting, please have your envelopes ready with the correct money. Thankyou.

Feb 26, 2017

Our Convention for 2017 will be in May, from

Tuesday the 23rd-Thursday the 25th at

Sylvan Glen Country House, Penrose.

The theme will be The Best Exotic Indian Painting Weekend.

Our talented teachers for this 2017 Convention will be;

Tuesday; class 1- Merriel Adair, class 2 - Roberta Small, class 3- Janette Newman, class 4- Lorraine Wingfield, class 5- Laraine Palmer.

Wednesday; class 6- Mary Burghard, class 7- Chris Gordon-Smith, class 8- Lorraine Wingfield, class 9- Roberta Small, Class 10- Lyn Yeadon.

Thursday; class 11- Linda Hind, class 12- Chris Gordon-Smith, class 13- Janette Newman, class 14- Mary Burghard.

The photographs below are in order of workshop numbers.

Jan 9, 2017

Happy New Year

Mountains and Rivers wish all our readers a safe and happy 2017.

Our first meeting this year will be on the 11 of February, at the CWA rooms, Tindale street, Penrith, NSW. Lunch (please bring a plate of food to share) and workshop will start at 12 noon.

Our Guest artist will be Chris Gordon- Smith. (Chris Roy)
The project is gorgeous, called; 226 Ally the soccer girl.

For Photograph click on Meetings 2017. (tags at the top)

Chris has painted hers on a plate, yours can be on anything you like, the pattern size is 26cm x 20cm, the ball can be placed anywhere on the piece.
Please email if you would like to book in for this meeting/workshop.

You will need to bring with you; glad wrap, fine long liner, No 3 round brush, 1/4 and 1/2 angle shader, size 10 smudge tint round brush, kneadable eraser, black transfer paper, wet pallet.
Jo Sonja colours; titanium white, yellow green, paynes grey, aqua, unbleached titanium, yellow oxide, brilliant magenta, brilliant violet, red earth and raw sienna.

A note from Chris;
You can paint this design onto any wood surface; a box, plate, tray or board or as a decorative piece or paint it onto a canvas. The same technique can be painted onto a 300sm watercolour paper.

The pattern may be enlarged to suite the piece. It makes a difference if you use Jo Sonja White gesso, it absorbs the washes very well, but if you only have other brands they will be okay too.

Preparation; For.....

wood; apply at least 2 coats of Jo Sonja gesso, sand then apply one more coat.

Canvas; Apply 2 coats of Jo Sonja white Gesso, dry.

Paper; Please fix the paper to a backing board with masking tape. You may trace the pattern on using craft wax carbon transfer paper. If you have it please use masking fluid to mask the girl and soccer ball. Don't worry if you do not have any as we will do it another way.

Keep it small, we have limited time in the workshop and if it is too big it will take longer to paint, thank you.

See you all on the 11th February 2017.