Jul 29, 2014

Our donation to the Winmalee Neighborhood Center.

At the news of the bush fires in the Winmalee area of the Blue Mountains, the Mountains and Rivers painting group decided to give a donation of one thousand dollars to people who have suffered through this tragedy. We simply did not want it to go to a charity in general, but to donate directly to those in need.

This proved to be quite a challenge for Loraine and after much homework, Laraine found the Winmalee Neighbourhood Centre, this centre provides a Fire Recovery Assistance for the Winmalee area. WNC has a website, www.winmaleeneighbourhoodcentre.com.au Please visit this website to see more of the work they do in the area of Winmalee.

The website says; “our community has been devastated by the October bush fires and the WNC has initiated a range of assistance available for fire affected families”

The center works closely with the Springwood Rotary, Winmalee Lions club and Springwood Uniting Church, who between them provide assistance needed to help fire affected people through this process of renewal.

We can only imagine the anguish that the fires and the aftermath bring to people that are affected.

Early in July Laraine and Genevieve were invited along to visit the Winmalee neighbourhood Centre and Mountains and Rivers presented them with a cheque for $1000.00. They were warmly met by Morna Colbran (in blue) from the center and two of the ladies who had lost their home in the October bush fires,

Morna, Laraine, Genevieve and the two ladies who lost there home in the fires.

This photo also shows Jai Allison who is from the local Council and just happened to be there. 

Jul 13, 2014

Now added

No Frills Photographs are now on show, 

see post below.

I have Just added a Language-Translate feature, it may help our overseas readers. 
Please let me know if you have problems with this.

Also a Contact us via our email and a Search feature to this blog. 

I Have added a new page for photographs of any paintings you would like to show. See pages tab near the top of page.

Jul 4, 2014

Workshop paintings for Weekend of October on display at this meeting.

AGM meeting and Workshop 

12th July

Have you ever thought about going along to a painting workshop for the day? would you like to have a try at painting and thought you could never do that?

Our weekend "No Frills" at Winbourne, Mulgoa on the 24th, 25th and the 26th October may be just for you.

(If booking for the weekend it includes Friday night and Saturday night).

Friday and Saturday night with breakfast, 2 days workshops, dinner Friday and Saturday night, lunch Saturday and Sunday, all morning and afternoon teas and other freebies over the weekend.

Twin room, Members; $305. Non-Members; $330.
Single room, Members; $335. non-Members; $360.

You do not have to commit to the whole weekend, (although all those that do have a great time) just pop along for a day, Saturday or Sunday, meet some great ladies, learn a new craft or just polish up with some new techniques. You do not have to be a member to join us on this day or weekend and you can bring a friend!

Bookings a must! 

Prices do not include the wood or canvas, you can paint any of the projects on something you have at home, you must provide your own piece at a No Frills weekend.

One day workshop is; Members $68 or Non-Members $78.
A great price, it includes lunch, morning and afternoon teas as well!

Maybe you can paint or have an Art Journal and would like to know more about shading or highlighting, then you will find on of our painting workshops might just help you achieve this, we have 6 workshops to choose from and all will be on display at our AGM meeting, of course if you cannot get to this I will have the photo's after the meeting and will display them on this site. Cheers, lyn.

Photo's now available. Click on the photo to enlarge.

Laraine Palmer - Saturday 25th October
Pam Jones - Saturday 25th October

Lorraine Dick - Saturday 25th October

Lore Barratt - Sunday 26th October
Josephine Louwen - Sunday 26th October

Lorraine Wingfield - Sunday 26th October

All Welcome Meeting and AGM

Queen Of Zentangle by Josephine Louwen. 

Make this card at our next meeting on the;

12th, July 2014.

Workshop $15

The card and envelope will be provided in the price. 

Paints will be available to use on the day.

Please bring with you; A very fine waterproof permanent pen in black, small round and flat brushes, a backing to put your on while working, also graphite paper and water jar etc. 

There is no preparation for this piece.

Come along and paint this unusual art form "Zentangle" with Josephine. She will guide you through the process. Beginners welcome.

Meetings are held at the;

 CWA rooms, Tindale Street, Penrith. 12 noon.

Contact; mountains2rivers@gmail.com For bookings.