Aug 15, 2012

November Meeting and Workshop

Saturday the 10th November will be our next meeting and workshop at the CWA Rooms, Tindale Street, Penrith. Starting at 12 noon with lunch and meeting, followed shortly afterwards
with our workshop.
Workshop costs; $15 for members and $20 for non members

This month it will be a workshop by;

 Lorraine Wingfield -  Christmas t-Shirt

Bookings and pattern drawing available from

Or you can draw your own pattern.

Projects you can use are t-shirts, Table runner, Placemats, Ordinary shirt, Handbag are just a few sugestions,  (Lorraine bought her t-shirt from Big W for $4) Other styles and sizes available. 

Aug 6, 2012

Soft Hydrangeas

Our August meeting was quick but informative meeting, I can also say relaxing as we sat and enjoyed coffee and all the home made sandwiches and lots of goodies that our members go to the trouble of preparing each meeting for our lunch together. Thank you ladies!

Roberta's workshop was great, we painted with fingers, water, paint, cloths and somewhere in there we had a brush in our hand. The results were stunning, everyone painted and each of the painting were as varied as our personalities. Thanks Roberta.

A Class photo of our finished pieces at the meeting 2012