Oct 23, 2017

Next Mountains and Rivers meeting/workshop 11th November 2017

Our last meeting of the month will be held on the 
11th November at 12 noon.

This will be our Christmas meeting and Lunch.
(please bring a plate).

MERRY CHRISTMAS to all our Members and Readers!

We have a short meeting followed by a workshop.
Our guest teacher will be Lyn Yeadon.

Lyn will be sharing with us her Christmas Art Journal.

The technique's used in this journal may be used in a variety of ways, including cards. You will able you to use your own imagination and play with colour in a variety of ways once you see this technique.

A selection of the pages in the Art Journal.

Of Course any of these pages or your own designs,
can be turned into cards, just paint the added details smaller.
These are samples of 5" x 7" cards.